One on WMD and one on the Republican convention. Frightening.
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Muslim American Statement Against Torture
Full statement and signatories at Religion Dispatches. Please sign and publicize. We believe America must not torture and it is the ultimate act of being American to hold our government responsible for actions done in our name. We believe, as Pres. Kennedy, Pres. Reagan, and Sec. Clinton, that the US can be a shining beacon on a hill. When Rev. Winthrop made that statement over 300 years ago, he said that we must hold ourselves to higher standard both because others will, and because it is right. We applaud President Obama for shining light on these shameful practices. We now…
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Received from Haroon: Dear Colleagues, The Arab American Institute (AAI) and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee are asking for your organization’s support. The two organizations have drafted the attached two sign-on letters in opposition to the racist billboard campaign initiated by the Coalition for a Secure Driver’s License ( in North Carolina and New Mexico. Kindly review these attachments and contact either Rebecca Abou-Chedid < > or Kareem Shora < > if your organization is able to endorse these letters. For more information on this issue please see: . (ADC and AAI continue to research which billboard company…