Guest Blogger: Making the World a Better Place

These girls are daughters of a friend of mine. They’ve been taking part in this event for several years, and I make it a point to support them every time. I think it’s an important endeavor in its own right, and a great way to help children live the ethic of service and giving. Please support them if you can.


My name is Aliya-Nur. I am 8 years old. My sister’s name is Shazia’Ayn and she is 6. May is a busy month for us. It is the World Partnership Walk month. My sister and I have been helping out with the World Partnership Walk for our whole lives. We help out by raising money and by helping our mum with the Global Village. We enjoy being part of the walk. When people sponsor us for the Walk and give us money, we try to tell them that the Walk is not collecting money for the sake of collecting money. The money is used to build schools and hospitals in Africa and Asia. Most children can’t go to school and have to work. The money is also used to get medicine. Many people are sick and sometimes die because they don’t have proper medicine. Lots of people get sick because they don’t have clean water and drink dirty water. Some of the money is used to make wells so that the people can have clean water. This year we want to raise $1000.

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This cool website was made by our dad to help us get lots of sponsorship.


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