Haroon is involved with NYU’s latest cultural fest, Shuruq. If he is involved, I have no doubt as to its [good] quality.
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Talk Islam and Muslimah Media Watch. Both are group blogs and both do a bang-up job of covering some of the more neglected issues relating to Muslims in the MSM. (I cross-post at TI.) TI’s posts tend to be shorter, but the discussions are really where the juice of the site is. You really see the diversity of the community in play. MMW deals with issues relating to women, and they have some great analytic minds at work. Next revision of islamicate will have their feeds on display.
ilm – knowledge – yearns to be free
Joi Ito has posted something about making information available on the web. He mentions Ismail Serageldin, who was involved (I don’t know if he still is) with the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, which of course has relations with ArchNet, which has a great on-line library.
Those People
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