An Open Letter

Dear Sir,

Since the Presidential elections are coming up here in the US, I’ve decided to outline what I expect from the President, and in turn, what the President can expect from me. Like you, I too will pledge on your inauguration day to uphold the Constitution. That document is what will bind us together and act as our common language, regardless of our political persuasions.

On your inauguration day you will take the following oath:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” — Article II, Section 1, clause 8 (source)

It is along these lines I wish to set my expectations of you.

  1. I expect you to have read the Declaration of Independence.
  2. I expect you to have read the Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights.
  3. I expect you to have read The Federalist Papers.
  4. I expect you to have read the PATRIOT Act.
  5. I expect you to be able to defend the PATRIOT Act or Constitutional grounds, or to abolish those parts you cannot defend.
  6. I expect you to be able to defend the idea of “enemy combatants” on Constitutional grounds, or to release those held under such a label.
  7. I expect you to be able to defend the use of secret evidence on Constitutional grounds, or to stop its use.
  8. I expect you to exercise Executive Privilege as a privilege, not as a de facto state of affairs.
  9. I expect you to be the President of United States of America and all her citizens.
  10. I expect you to uphold your oath.

In return for meeting these expectations, I promise the following:

  1. I promise to have read the Declaration of Independence.
  2. I promise to have read the Constitution of the United States, including the Bill of Rights.
  3. I promise to have read The Federalist Papers.
  4. I promise to be a patriot, including be the voice of loyal dissent.
  5. I promise to be an informed and engaged citizen.
  6. I promise to exercise my rights as a citizen.
  7. I promise to defend my rights as a citizen.
  8. I promise to argue against extremists who would damage this country.
  9. I promise to uphold the Constitution.

In addition, since the United States guarantees me certain religious freedoms, I make the following promises as an American Muslim:

  1. I promise to have read the Qur’ân.
  2. I promise I recognize no other god but God, that Muhammad is His messenger, and that Ali is the Commander of the Faithful.
  3. I promise to be able to articulate my faith in a clear and understandable manner to all those interested.
  4. I promise to respect and leave peacefully with people of other faith (and non-faith) traditions.
  5. I promise to argue against those who use the label of Islam to hide other agendas.
  6. I promise to speak out against extremists in the faith.
  7. I promise to verbally defend the faith from those who would defame it.
  8. I promise to be loyal to both God and country.
  9. I promise to live as an American Muslim.

The above is the pact I am presenting to you. Do you agree to it?


7 thoughts on “An Open Letter

  1. Great pledge. I will stand with you on this one. Wrapping oneself in the flag and attacking the very foundations of this country does not a patriot make.

  2. Great pledge. I will stand with you on this one. Wrapping oneself in the flag and attacking the very foundations of this country does not a patriot make. Where is Ghostdog?

  3. Excellent letter. I hope you’ll actually send it. Dubya won’t read it, but maybe some staffer will…

  4. Well, I sent it to both Kerry’s and Bush’s campaigns. Have gotten a canned response from Kerry acknowledging receipt, but that they can’t answer every email. We’ll see what happens.

  5. Uphold the Constitution? Dreamer!

    Islamicate has sent an unthinkably radical letter to W and Kerry suggesting that the US president ought to uphold the Constitution. What a concept! It’s a well-put letter….

  6. Uphold the Constitution? Dreamer!

    Islamicate has sent an unthinkably radical letter to W and Kerry suggesting that the US president ought to uphold the Constitution. What a concept! It’s a well-put letter….

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