It’s been such a long time since I read Salman Pax’s blog. I recently returned to it and found a great write-up by him about the formal split between Shi’ahs and other Muslims. The photos are new for me and he’s really got an eye for it.
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Thanks to the unmedia, I found a new ‘blog called “Muslims Under Progress.” I like what I’ve seen so far, and look forward to reading more of their posts. (Caveat: The site doesn’t seem to render properly on all browsers. a Gecko based one – Mozilla, Camino, Firebird, etc. should do the trick.) The first post I read was by Haroon Moghul, called “Choice and Comprehension.” I’ve talked about one of Haroon’s pieces before, and I want to begin by assuring him it’s nothing personal, I just really like his stuff and it gets me thinking. So now some of…
Wit and Wisdom of Uncle Abe
From The Place of Dead Roads comes some choice sayings attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
Welcome visitors from City of Brass. Aziz was kind enough to give me a shout moons ago and I’ve been negligent in acknowledging you. But Hazrat Issa, it’s been two weeks and I’m still getting huge numbers of pass through hits. A shout back to Aziz who has been a good virtual friend and has helped me with some of my own research. Can’t wait to find a way to meet him in person. His blog is one of the first Shi’ah blogs I found, and still one of the few I read regularly. I will eventually get around to…