It’s been such a long time since I read Salman Pax’s blog. I recently returned to it and found a great write-up by him about the formal split between Shi’ahs and other Muslims. The photos are new for me and he’s really got an eye for it.
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A New York Yankee in an Oz-tralian Court
Much to blog about in the news, including what John Edwards as VP might mean for democracy in America and the return of rights to Americans. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this Yankee is touring Australia right now. I’ll have some mosque pictures up, and hopefully some interesting information about Muslims Down Under, but other than that, I’ll be on the DL for a couple of weeks.
Yee! I submit
OK, Muhajabah has been on top of the Yee case. I can’t compete. First, Yee is charged with adultery and downloading pornography, not espionage, the reason for which he was originally arrested. Then, the prosecution discovers the legal staff at Gitmo is releasing classified information to anyone who asks. Now it seems that the papers that Yee had, which were supposed to be classified, may in fact not have been classified. Curiouser and curiouser.
Fresh Meat
Been following an interesting ‘blog run by Aziz Poonawalla that Ghost Dog pointed out to me. First, congratulations to the good doctor on the successful oral defense of his dissertation. I don’t know the topic, but based on the ‘blog, I’m probably going to enjoy reading it. Second, time to comment on his ‘blog. He’s using the Blogger system, so I’m not sure how to give him the equivalent of a trackback, so hopefully he’ll forgive me.