Sorry for the lack of updates. Back from a series of projects, so posts should start-up again. Until the, I’ve found this link.
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SXSW 2007 – Ghost in the Machine
So, I did my first South by SouthWest this year. Not my last, I hope, but not running back either. Was on a panel called Ghost in the Machine: Spirituality Online. The festival itself has 3 parts, film, music, and interactive, which is where our panel was. Very tech heavy, very interesting, but a bit out of my league. Nonetheless, everyone is very friendly, people wanted to learn and to talk, and overall it was a great experience. On the panel were: James McNally – moderator – Consolation Champs Rachel Barenblat – Velveteen Rabbi (SXSW post) Keven Lawver – UltraNormal…
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Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims | Religion Dispatches
My latest at RD. Ahmadi Muslim Community Doesn’t Speak For All Muslims | Religion Dispatches. The Muslim-American community is represented by a wide variety of organizations that speak to various interests. Large umbrella organizations, like the Islamic Society of North America, have not had much luck in covering the community because the diversity is nearly uncontainable. Each of these groups speaks with a voice that represents its own constituency. However, the Ahmadi community now seems to be making a serious push to become the central voice that represents Muslim-Americans.