I am impressed that Afghanistan has managed to create a new constitution. I haven’t had a chance to get my hands on it, but I wonder how different it is from the 1964 constitution, which was the last functioning one in the country. I think settling the language issue is key, as it is one of the markers of ethnicity, and one of the big dividing forces in the country. How the Hazaras will be treated is still an open question, as is the role women will play. As the BBC article correctly notes, the country still lacks the rule of law and the warlords and Taliban hold a great deal of power. I think the presidential model is a good one for now, and may turn out to be a good choice in the long run if a truly multi-party state develops. I would have like to have seen more flexibility in the ability to transition to a parliamentary style of government by building in evaluation time points. Overall, it’s a good and important first step towards stabilizing the country.
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