Tag: Palestine
1 shot 2 kills
Indeed. Disgusting. Reprehensible. It seems that amongst the similarities between Jews and Muslims is the growing disregard for each others lives. The IDF is even being told that the Gaza offensive was a holy war to sanctify God’s name (kiddush hashem).
ACTION ALERT: Denounce Assassination Call in NY
J Street informs me that an activist called for the assassination of Mahmoud Abbass at a NY synagogue last night. Details and petition here. The petition is nicely worded.
Medicine and MidEast Politics
Via thabet, I see that the politics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have emerged in the British Medical Journal .
Recently CBS aired a piece on peace options in the Israeli-Palestinian debacle. I thought the segment was fair and universally irritating, doing the job our press is supposed to do: tell the stories, based on reality, that make-up conflict, not make-up stories, based on a desired reality, to tell a conflict. J Street is telling me that they are getting slammed for doing their job. You can see clips of the show and sign a petition supporting CBS on their site. I altered the language of their form letter, and have pasted my version below, for others to use. The…