Inter-faith Politics

Media fuels Hatred of Muslims

via Talk Islam, I found this article: A rise in the number of hate crimes against Muslims in London is being encouraged by mainstream politicians and sections of the media, a study written by a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer, published yesterday, says. Attacks ranging from death threats and murder to persistent low-level assaults, such as spitting and name-calling, are in part whipped up by extremists and sections of mainstream society, the study says.

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Politics Religion

Specter Embraces Pipes Islamophobia

Umm…Even real liberals can be Islamophobes, and in fact many are. Uncritical rights talk frames Islam as the enemy. When you are a politically convenient liberal, right-wing and liberal fears collapse into one great, big black hole of Specter. Matt Duss notes a Washington Independent report that Arlen Specter will deliver the opening address to a right-wing anti-Muslim conference hosted by Daniel Pipes Middle East Forum: A coalition of conservative legal groups will host a “Libel Lawfare: Silencing Criticism of Radical Islam,” a conference on how “Islamist lawfare” is imperiling free speech in America. Confirmed speakers include neoconservative foreign policy…

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Mainstream Baptists slaps away an Islamophobe

After the arrogant and contemptuous way Mohler and other fundamentalist takeover leaders treated the Mainstream and moderate Baptists in their own denomination, I have exceedingly low expectations for civility from any of them. But, lives are at stake in the Middle East and around the world when people like Mohler persist in fomenting a clash of civilizations. … Frankly, in my experience, I find Muslims more respectful of Christianity than I find Evangelical Christians respectful of Islam. More at Mohler Contemptuous of Islam

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More on Dehumanizing Muslims

The Independent is reporting a game called “Muslim Massacre” gets you credit for killing Muslims. I shared the story of the Dayton mosque bombing with an adult education class last night and talked about how it had become acceptable to commit acts of violence against Muslims as witnessed by the fact that none of the major paper reported it. One woman asked me if it was a big bomb or a little bomb, because little bombs don’t deserve news coverage. My thought was that shouldn’t children being attacked be worthy of news, rather than a bomb? Fortunately, she was kind…

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Fear and Hate

For those of you who don’t know an organization called the Clarion Fund (see TPM for more on this group) sponsored the release of a virulently anti-Muslim and borderline anti-Semitic DVD in five swing states (see Haroon’s blog for more on this. He’s really been doing the Yeoman’s work here.) When I was asked about this DVD a couple of weeks ago, I joked that it was going to be released in German as Untermenschen, because it is clearly the inheritor of Goebbel’s vision. Little did I realize how prophetic I was. A mosque was attacked in Dayton, Ohio, one…

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Nationalism is not anti-Semitism

The New York Times savages “An Icon of Evil,” which equates Muslims with Nazis because of a meeting between the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler. Turns out Yitzhak Shamir met with the Nazis in Jerusalem as well. Was he too supporting the Nazis? Or were they both interesting in allying themselves with anti-British forces as a nationalist concern? What about SC Bose of the Indian National Army who also met with the Nazis during WWII. Are Indians Nazi-sympathizers now? I’m not sure using the strategies of the Nazis, to create a new class of untermensch, is really a way…

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Inter-faith Intra-faith

Nobody likes Jews or Muslims [Updated]

Isn’t that reason enough for us to get along? New poll says anti-semitism and islamophobia on the rise. Other interesting tidbits from the poll: Muslims are worried about Muslim extremism. We don’t like it either. Why don’t people understand that? The Muslims most worried about Islamic extremism are countries that are dealing with … Islamic extremism and a growing OBL fan club. Finally, look at the poll. Muslims don’t approve of suicide bombing. [Update]: The complete report can be found here.

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