Media Appearances

Crónica de un debate presidencial (II) |

Crónica de un debate presidencial (II) | “Aproximadamente el 70% de las personas en los Estados Unidos no conoce a ningún musulmán”, explica Hussein Rashid, fundador de una empresa de consultoría centrada en conocimiento cultural. Oriente Medio sigue siendo también una región desconocida. … Sin embargo, la profundidad de la hostilidad hacia los musulmanes ha dejado a algunos educadores en estado de desesperación. Para Hussein Rashid, la retórica de Trump es profundamente perturbadora: “En los debates presidenciales, tiene que salir a relucir su intención de prohibir la entrada de inmigrantes a un país fundado por inmigrantes. No se trata…

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Media Appearances

Quoted: Muslims surpass atheists as most unpopular group in US | Religion News Service

Muslims surpass atheists as most unpopular group in US | Religion News Service. But Hussein Rashid, an adjunct professor at Barnard College who frequently writes and consults about Islam in the U.S., said the jump in anti-Islamic sentiment the study pinpoints is reflected in the current political rhetoric.  “The data from this survey shows that there is an increasing pull away from the promise of America,” he said in an email. “In 10 years, people have a more negative perception of Muslims, Jews, gays, Latinos, and Blacks. As a new America is taking shape, with all its diversity, there is a…

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Media Appearances

How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha Like an American – The New York Times

How to Celebrate Eid al-Adha Like an American – The New York Times. “Our obligations as American Muslims have not changed, they have just become more difficult,” acknowledges Hussein Rashid, a scholar of Islamic studies. He still believes Muslims should rise above hate and try to be the best version of themselves, not for the sake of appearing moderate, but to uphold and mirror their honorable religious values.

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Media Appearances

Muslim Americans Respond to Orlando Mass Shooting – The Takeaway – WNYC

Muslim Americans Respond to Orlando Mass Shooting – The Takeaway – WNYC. Shortly after the attack on Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Muhammad Musri, president and senior imam of the Islamic Society of Central Florida, held a press conference to offer the support of the Muslim community. He also cautioned the media and Americans around the country from rushing to judgment.  But in this tense political environment, have American Muslims also become victims of such tragedies? For answers, we turn to Hussein Rashid, a professor of religion at Hofstra University. Click on the ‘Listen’ button above to hear our full conversation. 

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Art Inter-faith Intra-faith Media Appearances

Children’s Museum of Manhattan – America to Zanzibar – POLITICO

DE BLASIO press shake-up — CUOMO bans insider lobbyist — REDSTONE saga – POLITICO. NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito, NYC Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer, NYC Council Members I. Daneek Miller and Helen Rosenthal toured the America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far exhibit at the Children’s Museum of Manhattan earlier this week with the museum’s executive director Andy Ackerman, the museum’s honorary board chair Laurie M. Tisch, museum board member Judith Hannan, the exhibit’s academic advisor Hussein Rashid and others. America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far is a groundbreaking new interactive exhibit for children…

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Current Affairs Media Media Appearances Politics Religion

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine

Muslims are already denouncing terrorism, why aren’t we hearing them? | America Magazine. Dr. Hussein Rashid, a Muslim American who teaches religious studies and consults on religious literacy, has also experienced a form of selective inattention even when the message is constructive. After the bombing attempt in Times Square in 2010, Dr. Rashid—who was born and raised in New York—and two Muslim colleagues were on every major network and cable TV outlet all day condemning the action. That night he gave a talk to 200 people and asked how many had seen the coverage. “Of the 190 people who claimed…

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Media Appearances

Terrorism in Europe Triggers Debate Over Surveillance of U.S. Muslims – NY City Lens

Terrorism in Europe Triggers Debate Over Surveillance of U.S. Muslims – NY City Lens. Meanwhile, Hussein Rashid, a research fellow from the Truman National Security Project, a non-profit that works towards principled solutions for global challenges like terrorism, applauded the commissioner’s statement that underlines that Muslims are a part of New York’s diverse community. “The New York Police Department has really publically understood where they went wrong in a lot of their surveillances, [and] really spoken out against people who want to replicate this at a national level,” said Rashid.

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Art Books Events Film Food and Drink Games Inter-faith Intra-faith Literature Media Appearances Music Photos Poetry Religion

Newsday on America to Zanzibar

Here is a Newsday article on the exhibit America to Zanzibar: Muslim Cultures Near and Far, at The Children’s Museum of Manhattan, for which I was the lead academic advisor. It’s a good chance to shout out my friends from high school. “Our goal is to have children deal with differences in a healthy, positive way and encourage them to be inquisitive while exploring the world instead of running away from its differences,” Rashid said, an experience not so different from his years growing up in Elmont.  

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