This is a Storify I'm using for class, but it seems like an interesting conversation that I wish I had shared at the time.
Reli77: Muslim4Marriage
Storified by Hussein Rashid · Wed, Sep 05 2012 04:39:59
I'm not alone; there are lots of #Muslims who support #LGBTQ #MarriageEquality. RT w/ #Muslims4Marriage.Fatemeh Fakhraie
the trends nationally of all religious communities are growing towards LGBT equality, check w/PRRI @islamoyankee @fatemehf @azizhp @markosJoseph Ward III
@peoplegogy That is powerful stuff. Without the repealing of miscegenation laws, I wouldn't exist!! Equal rights for all! :DFatemeh Fakhraie
@fatemehf @josephwardiii @azizhp @markos so i'm reading 2 statements in 1: Muslims like Christians and also support #MarriageEquality خیرHussein Rashid
Amen!! RT @josephwardiii: @islamoyankee @azizhp @markos Muslims like Christians do support gay marriage. #MarriageEqualityFatemeh Fakhraie
@islamoyankee @azizhp @fatemehf @markos @believeoutloud 140 ct answer: Muslims like Christians do support gay marriage.The cultures shiftingJoseph Ward III
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos I wonder what @josephwardiii & @believeoutloud have to say about the idea that Muslims don't support gay marriage?Hussein Rashid
Follow a discussion on liberal Islamophobia by following #Muslim4Marriage thanks @azizhp and @fatemehfHussein Rashid
@fatemehf @markos @azizph and don't forget @mpvusa who argued on day 1 for Muslims to support #Muslim4MarriageHussein Rashid
@fatemehf @azizhp @islamoyankee @markos @aminawadud @irshadmanji just jumping in here- but yeah! #Muslimsformarriage right here.Najva Sol
@fatemehf @markos @azizph Just to be clear, in case it's not, I'm a #Muslim4Marriage and said the 1st day!/islamoyankee/status/200345314207600640Hussein Rashid
@fatemehf @azizhp @markos @aminawadud @Najvasol or do Muslims not believe in education? I can't remember now.Hussein Rashid
@fatemehf @azizhp @markos @aminawadud @Najvasol I heard a Mozlem even wrote book. Professor and everything. "Homsexuality and Islam"Hussein Rashid
@azizhp @islamoyankee @markos #FF any one of us, an also @aminawadud @Najvasol @irshadmanji…Fatemeh Fakhraie
@azizhp @rdispatches @markos @fatemehf @intersectionsny I got police on my back and they love that "liberals" give no succor. #myNYPDfileHussein Rashid
@azizhp @rdispatches @markos @fatemehf oh yeah, & a report i co-authored on Muslim LGBT inclusion w/ @intersectionsny Rashid
@azizhp @islamoyankee @markos There's an #LGBTQ #Muslim conference coming up soon: Fakhraie
@fatemehf can you send me a list? I'll promote at Muslims At DailyKos /cc @islamoyankee @markosAziz Poonawalla
@islamoyankee traffic!!!! 🙂 I've already got my next post in mind for @PatheosMuslim ;)Aziz Poonawalla
@islamoyankee @azizhp @markos WhAWOL? There are plenty of #Muslim #LGBTQ groups in the US and Canada and MENA.Fatemeh Fakhraie
reply to this convo with those @rdispatches links, @islamoyankee – opportunity! /cc @markos @fatemehfAziz Poonawalla
One way to assert identity is to engage liberals on their turf – thats why i started Muslims at Daily Kos /cc @markosAziz Poonawalla
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos straight up. so unless everyone in America denies they are bigoted, we can assume everyone is? & it's cool?Hussein Rashid
@azizhp @markos @fatemehf i've written about welcoming mosques @rdispatches could try asking instead of assuming I'm a bigot.Hussein Rashid
I think, @fatemehf @islamoyankee, that unless we define ourselves, we leave ourselves open to definition by others /cc @markosAziz Poonawalla
of course, @islamoyankee – but we can't expect liberals to self-educate if we are AWOL /cc @markos @fatemehf #Muslim4MarriageAziz Poonawalla
@azizhp @markos @fatemehf for supporting free education and social safety net, so are we against it? bad logic dude.Hussein Rashid
@azizhp @islamoyankee That doesn't give @markos the right to do it for us, furthering bigotry in the process.Fatemeh Fakhraie
@azizhp @markos @fatemehf that doesn't mean you can categorize a group of people based on a stereotype. we also haven't got a platform…Hussein Rashid
in defense of @markos, @islamoyankee @fatemehf – we haven't really articulated a coherent political identity for ourselves #Muslim4MarriageAziz Poonawalla
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos i guess we're not civilized and mature enough to have our own voice. glad everyone agrees on that.Hussein Rashid
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos what I really wish is that instead of peole speaking for us, they would, you know hear when @ispeakformyselfHussein Rashid
the real problem is that muslims are a political football, nothing more /cc @islamoyankee @fatemehf @markos #Muslim4MarriageAziz Poonawalla
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos #Muslim4Marriage hell ya. Let's not believe everything we read on Fox, OK?Hussein Rashid
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos ditto dude. What's up with internalizing right-wing talking points?Hussein Rashid
RT @muhajabah: @azizhp @fatemehf @markos I'm a #Muslim4Marriage! It would be nice if liberals wouldn't use Islam as an example of "bad" religion. #ssmAziz Poonawalla
@ImTheQ I know you're definitely a Muslim who supports #LGBTQ #marriageequality. RT w/ #Muslims4Marriage.Fatemeh Fakhraie
I'm not alone; there are lots of #Muslims who support #LGBTQ #marriageequality. RT w/ #Muslims4Marriage. cc @yogurtsoda @MegHixson @azizhpFatemeh Fakhraie
@azizhp @fatemehf @markos I'm a #Muslim4Marriage! It would be nice if liberals wouldn't use Islam as an example of "bad" religion. #ssmLaura
any other muslims support gay marriage? reply with #Muslim4Marriage and I will RT /cc @fatemehf @markosAziz Poonawalla
Ditto. MT @fatemehf This 1 does & I'm not the only 1! #marriageequality RT @azizhp: Umm what? MT @markos: Muslims don't support gay marriageMariam
@fatemehf @azizhp @markos #marriageequality this muslimah supports it too!!Meg Hixson
This one does. And I'm not the only one! #marriageequality RT @azizhp: Umm what?? MT @markos: Muslims don't support gay marriage.Fatemeh Fakhraie
Umm what?? MT @markos: Muslims don't support gay marriage.Aziz Poonawalla
Someone's friends aren't very diverse. RT @markos: Muslims don't support gay marriage.Joshua Treviño
Muslims don't support gay marriage. MT @JohnWDean: More People Think Obama Is Muslim Now Than Four Years Ago. Moulitsas
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