Anyone who now thinks Britain is too multicultural? – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Commentators – The Independent

Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: Anyone who now thinks Britain is too multicultural? – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – Commentators – The Independent.

On Friday evening, getting on to a tube in Victoria, I met a Somali family wearing so much Union Jack kit they looked like a mobile tourist stall. The mum had a red, blue and white band across her forehead under a tight, black head scarf; her sons carried flags and her daughter’s leggings were festooned with crowns, Big Bens, St Paul’s and colours of this nation. 

They were coming back from a halal chicken restaurant after breaking an 18-hour fast for Ramadhan. They told me they were so happy because of Farah. They wanted their children to be like him, make this country proud of them. Near us a white family was just as joyous and for the same reasons. And I thought, this is brilliant, we are in it together. And then a smart-looking white woman in her forties muttered to a man she was with: “They’re not British. How dare they? Why don’t they go back where they came from?” Then got off at Sloane Square. You see, we immigrants can’t win. But we’ll never stop trying.