Current Affairs

Sept. 11 Memorial Obscures a Police Cadet’s Bravery –

Sept. 11 Memorial Obscures a Police Cadet’s Bravery – And Representative Keith Ellison of Minnesota, one of two Muslim members of Congress, was brought to tears during a Congressional hearing in March while describing how the man, a Pakistani-American from Queens, had wrongly been suspected of involvement in the attacks, before he was lionized as a young police cadet who had died trying to save lives. Despite this history, Mohammad Salman Hamdani is nowhere to be found in the long list of fallen first responders at the National September 11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan.

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Families and Friends, Not Churches and Charities, Provide Most Help for Jobless – Philanthropy Today – The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas

Families and Friends, Not Churches and Charities, Provide Most Help for Jobless – Philanthropy Today – The Chronicle of Philanthropy- Connecting the nonprofit world with news, jobs, and ideas. Relatives and friends are by far the primary source of assistance for people mired in unemployment, with about 70 percent of the long-term jobless saying they’re received no help from churches or community organizations, according to an NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation survey.

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Website connects donors to needy families –

Website connects donors to needy families – With the wolf at the door, Robinson turned to an innovative new website business run by a Palo Alto, Calif., attorney and the son of civil rights pioneer Andrew Young. The site,, allows people who need emergency help getting food or paying the electric bill to tell their stories; donors read those stories and make donations targeted for specific individuals or families.

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