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Osama and Orientalism
Osama and Orientalism, my latest over at Religion Dispatches.
Young. British. Female. Muslim.
Young. British. Female. Muslim. -Times Online. It’s a controversial time for British women to be wearing the hijab, the basic Muslim headscarf. Last month, Belgium became the first European country to pass legislation to ban the burka (the most concealing of Islamic veils), calling it a “threat” to female dignity, while France looks poised to follow suit. In Italy earlier this month, a Muslim woman was fined €500 (£430) for wearing the Islamic veil outside a post office. And yet, while less than 2 per cent of the population now attends a Church of England service every week, the number…
Tweeting the Qur’an #Quran #ttquran #Ramadan 2014/1435
Traditionally, Muslims read the Qur'an in its entirety over this time, in a section a day. The Qur'an is split into thirty sections, called juz', and one section is read each night. This year is the 6th year I am inviting people to tweet the Qur’an for Ramadan. To see how the call has (not) evolved, here are the first five call outs: 2009 Windsor Star Article 2010 (despite the title, which says 2011) 2011 USA Today Article 2012 2013 Storify (including press stories) The Background [from the 2009 post] This year, I have been thinking it would be fun…