PFBC – Roots and Branches

[formatting is off. notes are incomplete. go read Rachel, she’s better.]

Rabbi Arthur of the Shalom Center. Quoting friend and teacher: Different religions are like different organs in the body. Want them to do what they do, and nothing else, but also realize they have the same DNA. What is the DNA? and what unfolds for itself?

Chris Walton, Philocrates: Do people interact with different perspectives within own faith tradition? (Good show of hands)

Rachel: How do we connect across faith lines, and internally?

  • easier to talk to other faiths than internally (Christian Alliance for Progress, Public Theologian)
  • ep fracture in Christian tradition between conservative and progressive (unidentified female)

    Mik, JSpot: blogs tend to attract people with opposite points of view. How do encourage dialogue, not flame wars?

Chris, Philocrates: follow a Mormon blog ( Grew out of email conversations amongst friends, so conversation is forced to be civil.

not interested in cross-politic conversations b/c no clear progressive agenda. know what we’re against, but not what we’re for. (unidentified male #2)

disagree. if we don’t speak, no one will know there is an alternative to the conservative movement. need to break echo chambers. people come to the blog and are transformed. (Christian Alliance for Progress, Public Theologian)

Arthur: why do people come to your blog to be transformed?

They come from their fear and own uncertainty.

Thurman: avoid attacking the far right directly, will be overwhelmed and won’t convince them. speak to the middle/undecided/moderates.

Emily: if our most important work is sharing our viewpoints, how do we make go farther than pointing to other like thinkers. how do we turn a blogroll into a dialogue?

Michelle, Pearlbear: We can do both at the same time.

  • Beliefnet seems to attract lots of progressives and non-progressives. We need to connect to some community like Beliefnet.
  • Nathan Newman, Progressive Statesman: what does progressive stand for? tolerance means we don’t recruit to the cause.
  • Omar Said, (Muslim Wakeup!, Muslim Meetup): Need to organize and get agenda.
  • islamoyankee: post coming up about what does it mean to be progressive and Muslim

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