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A Muslim at the Catholic Worker
I’ve been pushing my friend Eboo’s book for a while now. Found an old article where he relates some of what is found in his book. Take a look. A Muslim at the Catholic Worker | Peacework Magazine. Acts of Faith: The Story of an American Muslim, the Struggle for the Soul of a Generation
I Look Jewish, and other interesting facts [updated]
Neither an Ashkenazim nor Sephardim be. Here’s an interesting article about the first South Asian to head a US synagogue. A short introduction to South Asian Jews as well. The Revealer has a good post called “Who’s a Jew?” It’s about a Muslim. My wife is a big fan of Ali and Nino and has been trying to get me to read it for a while. The question of authenticity is hard enough within a religious tradition, especially as different interpretations of the same faith come into contact. Then you throw in inter-faith issues and have people from outside any…
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio: The Sufi Spirit, with Reza Shah-Kazemi « Ismailimail
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio: The Sufi Spirit, with Reza Shah-Kazemi « Ismailimail. Prayer that brings a permanent awareness of the Divine Reality is the aim of Sufism first and foremost, which London based Sufi scholar, Reza Shah-Kazemi, believes is the key to its universality. Sufism’s mystical universalism is what interests Hebrew University scholar, Sara Sviri, who reveals the fascinating phenomenon of ‘Jewish Sufism’.