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Mecca Diaries
Opinion: The Year Tía Luisa Tried to Defend Us From the Muslim Stamp – Fox News Latino
Opinion: The Year Tía Luisa Tried to Defend Us From the Muslim Stamp – Fox News Latino. In lieu of delivering a gospel of Yultide cheer or peace on earth, Tía Luisa dispatches a demand. Yes, in the subject heading of her most recent e-blast, in blaring full-blown caps, are the words ‘DO NOT BUY THIS STAMP’ and upon opening her email I discover that I am instructed to adamantly and vocally boycott the Post Office’s Eid-themed postage when purchasing my Christmas stamps this year.
Bismillah Raven
I am always looking for interesting artwork, especially as it relates to Islam. Below is the Arabic phrase “bismillah,” “in the name of God,” done in a Native American style. Details from the artist are here, and an article about the piece can be found here (another take here). taken from here.