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Video: Faith in London
Faith in London is a short silent film celebrating the common instruction towards compassion that exists in all world religions and honouring what is perhaps the finest example of multi-faith coexistence in the world: The City of London. … It challenges opposition to the prevalence of organised religion in modern society by giving a voice to those who embody the true spirit of their faith.
Funniest Thing Ever. Google FTW.
Two girls decide they want to order Indian food — but in Hindi. So of course they turn to the Interwebs for help. Because on the Internet, nobody knows you’re brown. Using Google Translate, they successfully order themselves some takeout. I like the part at the end where the dude on the phone is like, “Will there be anything else?” And the girls just keep “saying” the address instead. [From Two White Girls Become Cunning Linguists via Google Translate] humor
Video: MLK Jr. Words on Segregation
I was honored to be invited to Middle Collegiate Church to pray on Martin Luther King, Jr. … During that time, they made a short video of the power of faith to change things that I participated in.