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Ribbons of Hope: Corpus Christi Photo Galleries | @prepareny
So proud to be part of this endeavor with PrepareNY. Ribbons of Hope : Corpus Christi Photo Galleries : Corpus Christi Caller-Times: Local Corpus Christi, Texas News Delivered Throughout the Day.. The ribbons contain a personal massage from the students and will be mailed to New York City to be place in the Tapestries of Hope in Battery Park for the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11.
The bravery of a young Staten Island hate crime victim |
The bravery of a young Staten Island hate crime victim | Ganging up on a helpless special needs kid because his family is Muslim may not walk or quack like a typical hate crime, especially when one of these alleged gems is black and his three alleged beloveds are Hispanic. Don’t look now, alleged parents, but the apples of your eyes are cheesing in the same big picture with skinheads, the junior Klan and the rest of the Hitler youth. Too bad your alleged whiz kids cut history class. They missed the lesson that taught about a time when…
Hijabi Revolution: NYPD and the Muslim American Community in NYC
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