Call for Action: Majid Zamani – UPDATED

UPDATE:  Majid Zamani has been released and I have removed the links to the action website.

Received from a friend:

Dear Friends,

It is now 140 days since a good friend of mine, Majid Zamani, has been imprisoned in the aftermath of the elections in Iran. He is not a known political figure and thus his case gets little attention, yet given that he has studied in the U.S. (University of Illinois and Columbia University), we hear he is under pressure to confess to things he has not done such as training for velvet revolution. A group of his friends have written an open letter to head of Judiciary in Iran, asking for his release. The letter has a very respectful tone and we hope can help with his release (it is attached). We are getting signatures for this letter from anybody who cares about Majid’s case, and those like Majid. Please help us by signing the letter at REMOVED. If for any reason the website is not accessible, you can also sign by sending an e-mail with your information to:

Name and last name:

Also please forward this e-mail to your friends who may care about this issue, and spread the word as much as you can (e.g. posting this on facebook, google reader etc.)

Thank you for your support,