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Ramadan Mubarak and Shanah Tovah
May this season bring joy and happiness to all. It is an important holiday season for many religious traditions this month, not just the Children of Abraham. Please see Rachel’s post, and follow the Tent of Abraham link. Tonight begins Ramadan for me. For an understanding of why different Muslim communities recognize different days for the beginning of the month, see this post. Technorati Tags: inter-faith, intra-faith, Tishri, Ramadan
Grass Roots Development May Hold Promise in the Muslim World
I would actually hope that it holds promise for everyone: There is, Khan averred, a “dominant player fallacy” or the tendency to place “too much reliance in national governments and other institutions which may have relatively superficial connections to life at the grass-roots level.” Thus, “urban-based outsiders often look at these situations from the perspective of the city center looking out to a distant countryside, searching for quick and convenient levers of influence.” The secret, then, is to work “from the bottom up” and not from the top down, as is so often the case. As he told the dinner…
He Who Burns
My dear friend is putting on a dance performance in NY this weekend. It is titled “He Who Burns,” and plays with the idea put forward by Hallaj that Iblis was cast out of Heaven for being the truest lover of God. He refuse to bow to Adam not because he was disobedient, but because none is worthy of worship other than God. Check it out. He Who Burns