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Event: » IMANA Conference at Hofstra University
I am moderating one of the panels. » IMANA Conference at Hofstra University. The Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) and the Muslim Chaplain’s Office of Hofstra University invite you to attend the 2010 IMANA-Hofstra Ethics Symposium, September 17-18, 2010. The symposium’s theme is End of Life Issues: Ethical and Religious Perspectives. Intended audience are physicians, especially those in critical care medicine, emergency medicine, maternal fetal medicine and neonatology, medical bioethicists, chaplains, students in these fields and interested individuals.
MLT – Discuss the Undiscussable
Four questions were posed to us in small groups. The questions are below, with my thoughts in brackets. Couldn’t capture everyone’s ideas, but feel free to answer in comments on your own. Topic: Integration of Islam and the West What frustrates/angers/annoys/etc. most about the topic? [The question. As long we see a dichotomy between Islam and the West, others will as well. For the most part, I have to say, at least in the US the integration question seems to be coming more from the Muslim community. Those who want to reach out to us already accept religious identity and…