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A Lifetime Between One Adhaan and One Salaat – City of Brass
Beliefnet Voices – Aziz Poonawalla – City of Brass. “When we are born adhaan is given but no salat. When we pass away salat is prayed but no adhaan. The adhaan given at the time of our birth is the adhaan for the salat prayed at the time of our death. That’s how short life is, the time between adhaan and salat. So hate none, love all, pray sincerely, forgive genuinely and pray your salats’ before the salat is prayed for you.”
Read this article about a man who is fighting for freedom for the killer of his son. I don’t know if I would have that strength in me to forgive. This is forgiveness is not of the tongue or the mind, but of the heart. Azim Khamisa is also open that it was his faith that lead him through the dark time. More details on the foundation website.
What It Means to Be Muslim
Mona Eltahawy has a wonderful piece in the Christian Science Monitor about Muslim stereotypes about Muslims. She also describes the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow conference in greater detail. Technorati Tags: Islam, MLT, Muslims in the West