Inter-faith Politics

Attempts to convert Mama Sarah Obama

Using religion for politics. It ain’t the Muslims this time. There has been an attempt, yesterday, to convert Mama Sarah Obama, President Barack Obama’s foster grandmother, to Christianity: … Presdident Obama’s family is an extended one, of Kenyan, American and Indonesian; and of Muslims and Christians. Obama’s father and paternal grandfather were both Muslims. The mother of Obamas father, the President’s real ‘granny’, Habiba Akumu Obama was a Muslim too. Mama Sarah Obama, his foster ‘granny’ and the woman who brought up Barack’s father – to protect Mr. Obama’s presidential ambition during the recent race for the White House –…

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Books Music

Free Book: “Dis-Orienting Rhythms” available for download

I love this book. I had just written an article on treating Fun^Da^Mental as part of the South Asian literary tradition (unpublished) about three months before this book came out in print. It’s a wonderful collection of essays, and they don’t all agree with one another. It’s a shame it’s out of print, because I think it’s a classic in the field, but I’m glad they’ve made it available for download. I learned about this book over ten years ago from Tony Mitchell, and have found it invaluable. I urge anyone interested in BrAsian politics and culture, fans of Fun’Da’Mental,…

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Politics Religion

Textbooks of Hate

Apparently it’s not only the Saudis who know how to screw over the “other.” Why does everyone hate the Turks? How would you place Christians and Turks on a sinking ship so that only the latter drowned? A question in a maths textbook for Polish school children. [From How would you place Christians and Turks …]

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EVENT: Covering and Uncovering Islam

April 25, 2009 NYC The American Society for Muslim Advancement and Cordoba Initiative are pleased to invite you to a panel discussion featuring: Rachel Zoll (Associated Press), Deborah Amos (National Public Radio), Mohamad Bazzy (Newsday’s Former Mideast Bureau Chief), Noreen Ahmed-Ullah (Chicago Tribune), Neil MacFarquhar (New York Times), Bobby Ghosh (Time Magazine) In the last decade, leading journalists have faced challenges reporting on Muslims, their cultures and the politics associated with them to American and international media consumers. Each of these reporters has had to learn largely “on the job” through their interactions with Muslim leaders and communities. In “Covering…

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Don’t Tell The Villagers

Apparently when the GOP spokespeople hope for a another terrorist attack on my city, they may do it because they actually like the city and think it would be a good way to appease their “rump” by getting rid of most of what makes America great, and because it’s such a well-liked city it will get people upset. Otherwise why would they rail against NY and hope for another terrorist attack here? Our most excellent pundits are generally very quick to buy into the idea that everybody hates Yurp, that “real Americans” detest San Francisco. I’m not sure how much…

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