More rumors about Sen. Obama here. Start the campaign!
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FBI Sets-up Terror Attack
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OWS Library Update < Killing the Buddha
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Islamophobia is Real, Mr. Mayor—A New York City Muslim Explains | Religion Dispatches
Islamophobia is Real, Mr. Mayor—A New York City Muslim Explains | Religion Dispatches. In fact, one of the amazing elements of Islamophobia is the denial of its own existence—as Nathan Lean explains. In his article, Lean also offers several examples of the impact Islamophobia has had on the lives of Americans; Wajahat Ali has written about the fear and death that an Islamophobic environment sanctions; Erik Love gives us sociological background on the impact of Islamophobia. I want to offer a reflection of what a New York Muslim sees and hears as Islamophobia becomes so normalized that it becomes an institution.