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Bismillah Raven
I am always looking for interesting artwork, especially as it relates to Islam. Below is the Arabic phrase “bismillah,” “in the name of God,” done in a Native American style. Details from the artist are here, and an article about the piece can be found here (another take here). taken from here.
MLT – Talent Bazaar and Knowledge Transfer
The Talent Bazaar was a time for individuals to share things that they do. Mostly it was a display of authored/edited books, catalogues of artists, and CDs. The obligatory range of pamphlets were present, as were free copies of Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet. I’ll talk more about some of the artists and musicians after the post on the Artists Panel. The Knowledge Transfer session was intriguing. The two basic questions were: What motivates you to do what you do? What would enable you to achieve what you do in the context of this conference? The first question was a…
Synagogue in Afghanistan
Amongst all the cultural loss, I’m glad to see that all the focus isn’t just on the Muslim community, but on the entirety of the Afghan community. Synagogue restoration in Herat. Afghanistan