WaPo does a piece on the technological transition happening at the White House. In addition to the usual transition headaches regarding phones, emails, etc., apparently the WH is not equipped, legally, to allow the Web 2.0 operation to continue. Be interesting to see how this plays out, especially if we are to get a new iPhone app (please). Favorite line: “The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software.” At least their Windows was state-of-the-art. (sorry couldn’t resist)
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Giving Thanks
If you are reading this, you have access to the internet. You can afford to use a computer. You probably ate well today. Be thankful for that. Please share some of that blessing with others. Just click through here and you’ll make a donation. Click here to donate more. Technorati Tags: Thanksgiving
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