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Jesse Ventura on Torture
I’m liking Jesse Ventura more and more. Last week: give me a water board, Dick Cheney and one hour, and I’ll have him confess to the Sharon Tate murders This week: “If waterboarding is OK, why don’t we let our police do it to suspects so they can learn what they know?” he asked. “If waterboarding is OK, why didn’t we waterboard [Timothy] McVeigh and Nichols, the Oklahoma City bombers, to find out if there were more people involved? … We only seem to waterboard Muslims… Have we waterboarded anyone else? Name me someone else who has been waterboarded.”
The bravery of a young Staten Island hate crime victim |
The bravery of a young Staten Island hate crime victim | Ganging up on a helpless special needs kid because his family is Muslim may not walk or quack like a typical hate crime, especially when one of these alleged gems is black and his three alleged beloveds are Hispanic. Don’t look now, alleged parents, but the apples of your eyes are cheesing in the same big picture with skinheads, the junior Klan and the rest of the Hitler youth. Too bad your alleged whiz kids cut history class. They missed the lesson that taught about a time when…
Controversies Over Mosques and Islamic Centers Across the U.S. – Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Controversies Over Mosques and Islamic Centers Across the U.S. – Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. This map shows the locations of 35 proposed mosques and Islamic centers that have encountered community resistance in the last two years. Click on a location for a brief overview of the project based on news reports. In many cases, the opposition has centered on neighbors’ concerns about traffic, noise, parking and property values – the same objections that often greet churches and other houses of worship as well as commercial construction projects. In some communities, however, opponents of mosques also have cited…