Politics Religion

More on “Obsession” [Updated]

Aziz links to a thorough review of the movie. Josh finds a good break down at TPM. And of course, check out Obsession with Hate. Update: Both Aziz and Svend point me to a new deconstruction by Jews on First. The point is that this fight is bigger than us, and we have many natural allies who can take this apart without making it about identity politics.

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Stirring the Pot

My friend Moushumi has a piece up on how immigrants should enter the American discourse on race. I think it’s a good message for the first-generation, but my feeling is that if the second-plus generation doesn’t get it now, they aren’t going to. Election 2008, race

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Voting for Obama is Racist

Ta-Nehisi Coates has a piece at The Atlantic that got me thinking. For a white person to vote for Obama is racist. The one drop rule means that they are voting along racial lines. Normally I like Coates’ writing, and I agree with his general sentiment. However, it still seems like we are stuck in the same mode of racial thinking. Obama has one white parent and one black parent. Why is he still considered black? I know there is an element of self-identification involved, but as a society, we treat him as black because of the one-drop rule. Black…

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Current Affairs Photos Politics

The Cost of War

Haroon links to some goodness on Afghanistan. The Atlantic has an email from Afghanistan. Nick Kristof on building schools. The New Yorker on the individual cost of war for an Iraqi veteran. The New Yorker also had a moving photoessay on the cost of war. The photo below is from the series. It’s same photo Colin Powell mentioned in his Obama endorsement.

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