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What do these things have in common?
What do the movies The Passion of Christ and American Pie have in common? I saw a report on CNN the other day about a new DVD player that edits movies on the fly to remove objectionable material. The story was recently posted on I thought it was worth mentioning because they interviewed a spokesperson for the company, and he said something that caught my attention, but that didn’t make it into the print story. When the violence or language is integral to the story, it won’t be edited. So The Passion and American Pie have integrated the objectionable…
Full Battle Rattle
A friend of mine sent me this link about a movie that deals with the virtual Iraq we have created in the US. I’m serious. We have built an Iraq in the US to train our soldiers to go to Iraq. Fighting them over here so we can fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.
Disturbing and Sad
A film that might prove objectionable to some is not being released. Now I understand that this is not a universal rejection, just in the South, and there are commercial interests involved. However, from commercial interests to implicit censorship is not a far stone’s throw. We saw it with Buster the Rabbit. How far will this go? At what point to stop being creative for fear of offending? At what point do we stop being thought provoking? At what point do we become soylent green?