One thought on “The Holiest Sites in Islam

  1. Hi there,
    I was trying to figure out how to email you, but to no avail… I figured a comment might be the best way to reach you.
    I wanted to give you a quick heads up that the Sierra Club is about to release its first-ever national report on Faith and the Environment. We highlight people-of-faith in each of the 50 states who are heroes for the environment, working to protect God’s creation. I thought you might be interested in covering the emerging movement of religious communities working for environmental protection.
    There are some really good stories here. One of my favorite stories is the Ursuline Sisters of Owensboro Kentucky, who are raising money to build their own Casa del Sol Environmental Education Center, a near zero energy demonstration building that will include solar technology, wind technology and renewable, recycled or reused building materials. Not what you’d typically expect nuns to be focusing on! And then there’s the Islamic Environmental Group of Wisconsin, which helped organize Interfaith Energy Awareness Month and currently works to help educate people on how to “apply the Islamic environmental teachings to their daily lives.”
    Would you have any interest in covering this in “Islamicate?” If so, let me know how to reach you and I can send a copy of the report your way!
    Bri Riggio
    Media Assistant
    Sierra Club
    85 Second Street, Second Floor
    San Francisco, CA 94105

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