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Is Obama Muslim?
Reminder: Is Obama Muslim? No. However, Josh tells me 23% of Texans believe that he is. And Aziz says 28% of Kentuckians believe that he is. Aziz also tells me the number is 12% nationally. So what happens when Obama is elected president? Does that mean that these people will think they are governed by a Muslim? That as a good Muslim he will demand we do things that are anti-American? Things like use our intellect in an engagement with the free-flow of ideas? We’ll all be able to practice our respective faiths freely and openly? We’ll stop fearing each…
Who Should Have to Answer for Torture?
Money quote: But, if full justice remains impossible, surely some injustices can be corrected. Whenever crimes of state are adjudicated—at Nuremberg or The Hague, Phnom Penh or Kigali—the principle of command responsibility, whereby the leaders who give the orders are held to a higher standard of accountability than the foot soldiers who follow, pertains. There can be no restoration of the national honor if we continue to scapegoat those who took the fall for an Administration—and for us all. h/t TPM.
Letter Supporting Uyghurs
Open Letter on the Uyghurs For the last several weeks the Uyghurs of Xinjiang have been the subject of increasing harassment of the central Chinese government. A background of key issues can be found at http://bit.ly/uyghur-primer. The death of over 160 people during a short period of time highlights a pattern of abuse against these people that we deplore in the modern period. We demand the following rights for the Uyghurs be recognized: The right to self-determination The citizens of Xinjiang have a right to determine whether they wish to remain as part of China. If so, they are to…