In my latest RD Blog post I have fun with alliteration while alluding to the idea that Michelle Malkin may be Muslim.
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Facebook Network
Facebook has a tool where you can now follow blogs, and recommend them, via a Blog Networks application. If you FB and read this, please join up with any of the places I blog:
Redemption Song
I thought I would start my first foray into the world of webblogs with an entry on why and how I became interested in the subject of Islam. Let me first state that I am an architect by training and have never had any courses on Islam, its history, its jurisprudence, or its various expressions. My interest is simple a matter of “redemption”. In the books I read and the movies that I watch, I have always been fascinated with the notion of the fall and the process of redemption. This is why I have been particularly fascinated with Westerns…
We got a new address
Well, the collective (yes there is more than Ghost Dog and myself, although you wouldn’t know it from the majority of posts) decided if we got two months of greater than a 1,000 hits we’d register a domain for ourselves. We crossed the threshold last night. Those of you who have been coming to us from can continue to do so. However, you can now also find us at To most of you it will mean nothing in terms of visiting the site. For us, it’s an important milestone. I’ll be doing a slight restructuring of the site…