Event: Muslims in NYC Public Schools
Details here. Wed. Apr. 29, 2008 Teachers’ College, Columbia University Just learned almost 10% of the NYC public school system is Muslim education, New York
islam doesn't speak, muslims do | "the ink of the scholar is worth more than the blood of the martyr" – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Details here. Wed. Apr. 29, 2008 Teachers’ College, Columbia University Just learned almost 10% of the NYC public school system is Muslim education, New York
Got an email today about a group in Pakistan that is attempting to bring about peaceful change through the arts. The group is ALAAP, and their peace declaration is an interesting read. art, Literature, Music, Pakistan, Poetry, peace
I’m a member of the Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow network and we’ve finally got a page on Facebook, so become a fan. MLT
Chris Dickey talks about “Christian Rage, Muslim Moderation” in a Newsweek column. While the title and lede are somewhat misleading, I think the overall point is one that needs to be hammered over and over again: No religion has a monopoly on extremists, ignorance, or blinders. Dr. Marranci gives a detailed example of the same idea at his blog. terror[ism][ists], terrorism
In light of a recent post, I thought it was only fair to point out again that McCain loves dead Americans. He wants to stay 100 years in Iraq, but he doesn’t want you to know about it . Iraq, McCain
A good friend of mine was (not so) recently awarded a major honor by his university. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. Who says science and (Muslim) religion can’t mix?
The Canadians have declared October “Islamic History Month.” I don’t know how I feel about this. No other religion gets this treatment, and I don’t think they should. I would argue against a similar move here in the US because I think it would further emphasize that Muslims are different. Multiculturalism in Canada is an odd duck, so maybe it makes more sense there.
I now also blog at Religion Dispatches. Don’t worry, islamicate isn’t going anywhere.
The documentary is apparently over a year old, but the review and the interview are both worth reading. The comments on the interview are pretty interesting as well.