

What do you call the child of a bikini and burqa? A burqini! I love neologisms. I actually think this is a pretty cool idea. I was down at Cronulla Beach a couple of weeks ago, and I have to tell you, I was afraid, which I have not been before down there. A rather undesirable element seems to be present there at night; namely young, intoxicated white boys who need to prove they are men. Of course, all the Arab restaurants were packed. Technorati Tags: burqini, Australia

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Current Affairs Religion


Many liberal bloggers I’ve been reading today have been talking about Martin Luther King Jr.’s anti-Vietnam War speech. While topical, I still think his “I have a dream” speech is the ideal we should be striving for. Everything else will follow from that. “Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring — when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children — black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics…

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Teaching About Religion

Within a month, two interesting pieces regarding teaching and talking about religion came into my RSS feeder. [Apparently the new NY Times permalink generator next to the article doesn’t produce permalinks. Go NY Times, try really hard to make yourself irrelevant in the digital age, and you may actually succeed at something in the 21st century.] The first is about a professor asked to teach by a religious program. The second is by a professor of religion who writes about our inability to talk about religion in the classroom. I’m reminded of a story when I was teaching an introductory…

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Inter-faith Politics

Keith Ellison

I think it’s cool that he’s Muslim. I think the bigger a deal we make of it, the more he gets marginalized, and the more we get marginalized. He’s an American. He’s an elected representative. For some good background pieces on what I“m babbling about see these three pieces (1, 2, 3) Technorati Tags: Islam in America, Keith Ellison

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Inter-faith Literature

Listen to the Reed

Rachel has a wonderful post on how the Divine is heard through Divine creation. It reminded of this poem of Rumi (posted many moons ago in a different context): بشنو از نى چون حكايت ميكند از جدائيها شكايت ميكند beshno az nay con hekaayat mekonad az judaa’ihaa shekaayat mekonad listen to the reed as it tells a tale as it complains of separation How beautiful is the image of humanity simply being instruments for the Divine sound? Technorati Tags: inter-faith, Rumi

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