Global Centre for Pluralism

The Aga Khan Development Network is one of the largest private development networks in the world. It focuses on health, education, rural development, institution-building and the promotion of economic development. It is dedicated to improving living conditions and opportunities for the poor, without regard to their faith, origin or gender. Last week, His Highness the Aga Khan annouced a funding agreement with the Goverment of Canada to establish a Global Centre for Pluralism in Ottawa.

The Global Centre for Pluralism is a major new international centre for research, education and exchange about the values, practices and policies that underpin pluralist societies. Drawing inspiration from the Canadian experience, the centre will function as a global repository and source for knowledge about fostering pluralistic values, policies, and practices. It will work with countries to nurture successful civil societies in which every citizen, irrespective of cultural, religious or ethnic differences, is able to realize his or her full potential.

The rejection of pluralism is pervasive across the globe and plays a significant role in breeding destructive conflicts,” says the Aga Khan. The Centre will therefore undertake research, deliver programs, facilitate dialogue, develop pedagogical materials and work with civil society partners worldwide to build the capacities of individuals, groups, educational institutions and governments to promote indigenous approaches to pluralism in their own countries and communities.

“…we cannot make the world safe for democracy unless we also make the world safe for diversity.” [His Highness the Aga Khan, May 15, 2006]

The Aga Khan gave an enlightening interview to Peter Mansbridge of the CBC which can be seen here

3 thoughts on “Global Centre for Pluralism

  1. Why Establish a Global Centre for Pluralism?

    Why Establish a Global Centre for Pluralism?
    The Global Centre for Pluralism is a new international initiative of His Highness the Aga Khan, 49th hereditary Imam of Ismaili Muslims. Dedicated to the creation of successful societies, the Centre is fou…

  2. After having gone through the Global Centre for Plurism’s web-site, I’m thinking Islamicate should consider adding it to the right-hand column’s “Islaam Salaam’ section.
    Global Centre for Pluralism –

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