What is the Muslim equivalent? I know we have one, it’s embedded in our conception of khalifa. But do we have something as pithy? I ask, because now must repair. Now we must heal. The world is un-wrought, it is distraught, it is with anger fraught.
Today is World AIDS Day. At the very least, please wear a red ribbon. If you can, learn and educate about how HIV is spread. Silence is the greatest threat. See also Al-Muhajabah for links on AIDS and Muslims. Technorati Tags: World AIDS Day
Well it does appear that there are some brave Americans who are going above and beyond the rehtoric and proposing actions that actually make a difference in our world. Wick Sloane – a columnist at InsideHigherEd is proposing a Katrina like show of support by US univiersities for Lebanese students and faculty. Here is a blurb: Imagine. No interruption of study and research for all students and faculty in the Middle East shut out in this latest war. Lebanon. Israel. Gaza. Iraq. Everyone. Why not? Education is cheaper than war. John Waterbury, president of American University of Beirut, who was…