Notes from the Islam in the West Conference

Sorry for the delay in getting these notes up to the site. I took them on a wonderful Mac program called Notebook, that exports beautiful HTML, but it took me longer than expected to get code blog ready – which just isn’t working. Click here to open my notes in a new window. The arrows should work to collapse/expand content cells.

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4 thoughts on “Notes from the Islam in the West Conference

  1. “women’s halaqa: women wearing hijab, tight jeans, eating DD and Starbucks and reading Sayid Qutb”
    you are gonna have to explain this one to me.. 😉

  2. “women’s halaqa: women wearing hijab, tight jeans, eating DD and Starbucks and reading Sayid Qutb”
    you are gonna have to explain this one to me.. 😉

  3. Dana said she went to a women’s halaqa where the women wore hijab and tight jeans, ate Dunkin’ Donuts and drank Starbuck while reading Sayid Qutb. I’m not sure if it was a comment on the effective marketing strategy of Starbucks that people would go to DD, but still get coffee from Starbucks, or if it was a comment on how these women seem to be negotiating modernity, and perhaps on what Sayid Qutb is actually saying to them.

  4. Notebook is a great application. Just registered it myself about a week ago. Speaking of nice Mac software, I’m mulling over buying Rapidweaver for simple, yet flexible, web publishing.

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