This is in today’s BBC. I wonder how much of this is speaking to a Western audience vs what they have really taught. Intersting that they only mention the martial component and not the spirtual component of Jihad. But it is good to see it any way:Pakistan clerics explain ‘jihad’Pakistan’s top Muslim clerics have said it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to preach the real concept of jihad, or holy war, to young Muslims."The situation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine is radicalising young people," says Mufti Rafi Usmani, one of Pakistan’s highest-ranking clerics. "And an angry young man is…
Being Poor
Being Poor
My country’ tis of thee, [Only if you are rich]
sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing; [liberty for CEO’s and celebrities]
land where my fathers died, [probably at the hand of a colored man or a foreigner]
land of the pilgrims’ pride, [and Native American genocide]
from every mountainside let freedom ring! [One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them]