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Grass Roots Development May Hold Promise in the Muslim World
I would actually hope that it holds promise for everyone: There is, Khan averred, a “dominant player fallacy” or the tendency to place “too much reliance in national governments and other institutions which may have relatively superficial connections to life at the grass-roots level.” Thus, “urban-based outsiders often look at these situations from the perspective of the city center looking out to a distant countryside, searching for quick and convenient levers of influence.” The secret, then, is to work “from the bottom up” and not from the top down, as is so often the case. As he told the dinner…
Quoted: Is Cape Town’s women and gay-friendly mosque a sign of new Muslim attitudes?
I was interviewed for PBS Newshour on questions of sexuality and Islam. Interesting situation in South Africa.
Advice on Muslim Dating
Given by a female writer friend to a male friend, both of whom wish to remain anonymous: A little lingering eye contact (ended when you carefully look away, as though remembering that you are in fact a dutiful Muslim brother even though you contain deep uncharted oceans of complexity and longing, a fact of which she will be thoroughly appraised by said lingering eye contact) should do it. humor, humor