
Mercy for Schiavo?

I am really torn about this very sad Schiavo affair. As we get more and more advanced in medical technologies – these questions will keep up coming.  Is there an "Islamic" reponse to this episode?  Should there be an "Isalmic" response?  What do the people say?

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Current Affairs Shi'ism

Friedman on Sistani and the Nobel

See here. Friedman, like most commentators, acknowledges Sistani’s Shi’ism, but fails to understand what that means. “People power” as he describes is what the Ithna’shari conception of the state was/is prior to Khomeinism taking center stage. The idea of jurists leading the state, vilayat-e faqih, is a relatively new concept, but it’s already become normative for even op-ed writers who supposedly have the time to be able to think.

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