Current Affairs Inter-faith Intra-faith


Stands for Punk A$$ Mo Fo. I think a better term than hoodlums in this case. Martijn always has such interesting posts. However, on the issue of counter-identity, isn’t that essentially OBL’s point? He hates women, so he’s a man. He hates the “West,” so he’s an Arab. He hates Christians and Jews, so he’s a “Muslim.” A little more seriously, hasn’t he simply adopted Islam as an oppositional identity? Isn’t he more aligned with Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam than with the Hanbali school? For OBL, it seems Islam is what others are not, and his association with Taliban,…

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Ikea is …

Sexist. or Islamophobic. I don’t know. Apparently Ikea won’t put images of women assembling furniture in its instructions because it might offend Muslims. Really. Smart money says they never thought about it and needed a way to cover their rears. Muslims are good for things after all. I personally would not be offended. I think it would encouragement for my wife to try putting the stuff together. Right now all I hear is that “Ikea shows a man doing it, so you need to do it.” I’m actually offended they don’t show women. I’m also offended that they only show…

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