The International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World [ISIM] conducts and promotes interdisciplinary research on social, political, cultural, and intellectual trends and movements in contemporary Muslim societies and communities. The ISIM was inaugurated in 1998 and is based in Leiden, The Netherlands. ISIM has just published its June 2004 Newsletter 14 in print format and online. As usual, it is full of interesting articles, commentary, and reviews. Issue 14 includes: [download newsletter 14, 1.9MB]

* A Culture of Righteousness and Martyrdom / Elliot Colla
* Suicide Attacks: Life as a Weapon / Riaz Hassan
* Martyrdom and Resistance in the Middle East / Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf
* Terrorism in Europe / Farhad Khosrokhavar
* Iraq as Lebanon: Fears for the Future / Charles Tripp
* Memories of Havana in Desert Refugee Camps / Nicolien Zuijdgeest
Multiculturalism and Integration
* Multiculturalism through Spirit Possession / Kjersti Larsen
* American Muslims: Race, Religion and the Nation / Karen Isaksen Leonard
* Integration and Islamic Education in South Africa / Samadia Sadouni
Identity & Culture
* Islamic Knowledge in Ukraine / Alexander Bogomolov
* Religion in Post-Communist Albania / Ina Merdjanova
* History and Identity among the Hemshin / Hovann H. Simonian
Political Participation & Activism
* The Leftists and Islamists in Egypt / Maha Abdelrahman
* Female Religious Professionals in France / Amel Boubekeur
* Human Rights, Women and Islam / Shirin Ebadi
* Women, Politics and Islam in Kuwait / Helen Rizzo
* Conceptualizing Islamic Activism / Quintan Wiktorowizc