Current Affairs

Good news on Mayfield

The case against Brandon Mayfield has been voided. (Previous posts). This is great news. More encouraging is what the fall-out of the case might be. First, I think it does wonders for increasing faith in the judicial system. It would have been better if the mistake had not been made in the first place, but the fact that legal system corrected the mistake relatively quickly is encouraging. Second, the PD for Mayfield believes part of the reason for the accusation was that Mayfield is Muslim. “Steven Wax, the public defender who represented Mayfield, said an FBI computer likely returned a…

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I need some help with Hijab Etiquette!!

Growing up in Pakistan in the 70s and early 80s, I only knew one woman who wore a Hijab. It was Apaa, my Quran and Urdu teacher. I would have tuition with her two times a week and I always thought it weird that she would come up to our home wearing a black burqa (something like this). She would then take out the head piece and the rest of the outfit and then proceed with torturing me with Alif – Bey – Pay etc. Head covering for women was sort of the national/cultural dress in Pakistan – with women…

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