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©1974, my soul and my genetic material
Just so we are clear, I was “published” in 1974, and am exercising legal control over my soul and genetic material. My thoughts, until published, are part of the Creative Commons. I was inspired to protect myself after reading a good post on copyright by Dawnsinger. More of my thoughts are in the comment section of his blog.
PFBC – Pluralism [updated]
In anticipation of a panel I’m on on diversity, here are two quotes from Diana Eck on the topic. (Thanks to one of the other panelists, Emily Ronald, for finding and supplying them.) “What then, is pluralism? The word has been used so widely and freely as a virtual synonym for such terms as relativism, subjectivism, multiculturalism, and globalism that we need to stop for a moment and think clearly about what it does and does not mean. Pluralism is but one of several responses to diversity and to modernity. It is an interpretation of plurality, an evaluation of religious…