Via Joho, I found a 2nd grade class that maintains a blog. They’ve got a question that needs to be answered. The teacher who thought of this idea, using a blog to teach, should get teacher of the year. The concept is great, community teaching in a really organic form. The question is about dinosaurs and the kings of the jungles. Help them out and do your teaching duty for the day. My thoughts in their comments.
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I don’t mean to be rude
I apologize for being slow on comments and on emails. For those who don’t know, I am an Islamicist (not and Islamist). So when things like the London bombings happen, I spend a lot of time going around and giving talks, writing briefing papers, and responding to the media. Most of what you get here are my first thoughts, and your feedback remains invaluable. I hope to catch up with most of the comments today and tomorrow.
hawgblawg: Robin Wright on Arab/Islamic Hip-Hop
About time MERIP got a blog. Some nice stuff brewing. hawgblawg: Robin Wright on Arab/Islamic Hip-Hop. Merip has a brand new blog, launched today. I intend to contribute posts on a regular basis–but I will not be abandoning hawgblawg by any means. My first was a meditation on how Robin Wright celebrates Arab/Islamic hip-hop in her book, Rock the Casbah: Rage and Rebellion Across the Islamic World. Read it here.
You Should be reading
Talk Islam and Muslimah Media Watch. Both are group blogs and both do a bang-up job of covering some of the more neglected issues relating to Muslims in the MSM. (I cross-post at TI.) TI’s posts tend to be shorter, but the discussions are really where the juice of the site is. You really see the diversity of the community in play. MMW deals with issues relating to women, and they have some great analytic minds at work. Next revision of islamicate will have their feeds on display.