I got an email from the organizer of the Islam in America Conference today, and he attached the following poster image. It’s good to know the ‘blog world is having an influence somewhere. Congratulations HijabMan.
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I don’t mean to be rude
I apologize for being slow on comments and on emails. For those who don’t know, I am an Islamicist (not and Islamist). So when things like the London bombings happen, I spend a lot of time going around and giving talks, writing briefing papers, and responding to the media. Most of what you get here are my first thoughts, and your feedback remains invaluable. I hope to catch up with most of the comments today and tomorrow.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. An opinion without facts is as compelling as a gun without bullets. courtesy of blueneck Texan.
One thought on “Hijabi Love”
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Hey, can u fwd that to me? i wanna know which organizer lol.. and they misquoted it. grrr 😉
but thats cool