A major earthquake has hit Morocco, causing hundreds of deaths. Please give to whatever relief effort you can. I personally use the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, so money can go where it’s most needed. While we do recognize disasters that predominantly affect Muslims, we also acknowledge the value of all human life and strive to help people whenever we can. Any surplus given to the general fund will be redistributed to needy areas.
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عيد مبارك
Eid Mubarak! May this day bring you much joy and happiness. May the month of Ramadan have brought you wisdom and discipline. May all your good wishes be fulfilled.
Racial Profiling Doesn’t Work
[T]he study shows that out of those stopped only 0.15 per cent resulted in firearms charges. This number stands to directly contradict Commissioner Kelly’s statements that the stops are responsible for the fall in gun crime. Also of note is the fact that out of all ethnicities stopped, white people had the highest chance of having committed a crime, despite being proportionally the least searched. via andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com
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