
Don’t Pick Me Last [edit]

[edited for “i really should have proofread it one more time” mistakes.] So a few days ago I said I was working on a post on the state and inclusion. My hook was going to be about gay marriages and the hijab, but the article I linked to did a pretty good job of covering some of that ground. Then an article got picked up by Al-Muhajabah and Muslims Under Progress about the legality of Islam in Australia. I hadn’t seen it the article, and left the issue on the back-burner. Dervish Du’a gave me the details (and some good…

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شەيد كربلا كي مومينوں جب ياد آتي هے تژپ جاتي هے دنيا خون آنسوں بەاتي هے يا حسين shahîd-e karbalâ kî momînoñ jab yâd âtî hai taRap jâtî hai duniyâ xûn ânsûñ bahâtî hai yâ husayn When believers remember the Martyr of Karbala The world becomes upset Blood flows as tears Oh Husayn! From a Marsiya performed by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.

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So You Say You Want a Revolution…

So the hypocrites have spoken. The mullahs of Iran have said the people have spoken, with only 33% of the electorate voting. Explain to me how discouraging people from voting, eliminating people from the ballot as being poor Muslims after they have declared the shahada, declaring yourselves the true spokesmen of Islam is in keeping with Khomeini’s vision, let alone the vision of Islam as embodied by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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